对什么严格英语,对某事要求严格。到底是be strict in sth还是be strict about sth? 您所在的位置:网站首页 be strict in doing sth造句 对什么严格英语,对某事要求严格。到底是be strict in sth还是be strict about sth?

对什么严格英语,对某事要求严格。到底是be strict in sth还是be strict about sth?

2023-03-31 22:30| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

本文目录索引 1,对某事要求严格。到底是be strict in sth还是be strict about sth? 2,对某事要求严格用英语怎么说 3,严格用英语怎么说???? 4,be strict about和be strict in有何区别? 5,be strict with be strict about和be strict in分别怎么用 1,对某事要求严格。到底是be strict in sth还是be strict about sth?

be strict with 对某人很严厉,严格 be strict about 对某事很严格 be strict in 对做的某事很严格(强调是在做的) be strict in , in 后加事物如:We should be strict in (doing) our work. 对工作我们应该严格要求。 而be strict with, with 后 加人如;His father is strict with him 他父亲对他严格要求。be strict about 后加事物 We must be strict about this problem. 我们必须严肃对待这个问题。

对某事要求严格。到底是be strict in sth还是be strict about sth?


对某事要求严格的英语:be strict in sth. 扩展资料短语: 对某事严格要求: Stringent requirements on something ; Something strict requirements 对做某事严格要求: be strict in doing sth 对某人某事严格要求: be strict with sb ; be strict with sb in sth 造句: 1、My mother is usually strict in my study. 我的妈妈严格要求我学习。 2、He is strict in his work. 他对他的工作很认真. 3、Jhon is strict in discipline. 约翰是一个纪律严明的人。 4、my father is strict in his work. 我爸爸对他的工作要求严格。


strict 英[strikt] 美[strɪkt] adj. 1.严格的, 严厉的, 要求严格的 2.严谨的, 精确的 3.绝对的, 完全的 4.恪守教规(或信条等)的 形容词 adj. 1.严格的, 严厉的, 要求严格的 She is a strict teacher. 她是个严格的教师。 Discipline at school is very strict. 学校的纪律很严。 2.严谨的, 精确的 The work requires strict measurement. 这项工作需要精确的测量。 3.绝对的, 完全的 The church demands strict loyalty. 教会要求绝对的忠诚。 4.恪守教规(或信条等)的

4,be strict about和be strict in有何区别?

主要区别在于一个是强调正在做的事,而另一个是比较笼统的说法,但它们都是有对什么很严格的意思。 be strict about 对某事很严格 be strict in (doing) 对做的某事很严格 (强调是在做的,像是work) 一、be strict about 1、Those who see HTTP as an interaction protocol follow the REST ( see Resources for more information)model, and tend to be strict about the semantics of the HTTP verbs ( GET, PUT, POST, DELE). 那些将HTTP视为交互协议的人将遵循REST(请参见参考资料以获取更详细的信息)模型,并且倾向于严格遵守HTTP动词(GET、PUT、POST、DELE)语义。 2、Be strict about your terms of payment: upon initial contact with the agency ( or direct client), explain your terms to them. 在付款期限方面要坚持原则:根据同代理机构(或直接客户)最初签订的合同,向他们解释你的付款期限。 3、Therefore we have to make sure the quality of new stock, be strict about stock mechanism of import and export, find the strategic orientation of stock, and especially control diffusion speed strictly. 为此我们必须确保新股的质量,严格股市的进出机制,找准股市的战略定位,尤其要严格控制扩容的速度。 4、Wen to their country is rich, will be held Xiancai; want to rule their people will be strict about. 盖闻欲富其国,必举贤才;欲治其民,必以严约。 二、be strict in 1、We should be strict in our study and our work. 我们应该严格要求我们的学习和工作。 2、All of us must be strict in our work. 我们大家对工作都要严格要求。 3、It's responsible to be strict in what you do. 对你所做的事情严格要求是负责任的表现。 4、Every student must be strict in their work. 每个学生对工作都应该严格要求 扩展资料: strict的其他用法: 1、严格的(指必须恪守) that must be obeyed exactly strict rules/regulations/discipline 严格的规则 / 规章制度 / 纪律 例句: She left strict instructions that she was not to be disturbed. 她严格指示不得打扰她。 He told me in the strictest confidence (= on the understanding that I would tell nobody else) . 他相信我绝对口紧,便告诉了我。 She's on a very strict diet. 她正严格节食。 2、要求严格的;严厉的 demanding that rules, especially rules about behaviour, should be obeyed a strict teacher/parent/disciplinarian 严格的教师 / 父(母)亲 / 执行纪律者 例句: She's very strict about things like homework. 她对作业之类的事要求非常严格。 They were always very strict with their children. 他们对子女一向十分严格。 3、恪守教规(或信条等)的 obeying the rules of a particular religion, belief, etc. exactly 例句: a strict Muslim 恪守教规的穆斯林 a strict vegetarian 纯粹的素食者 4、严密的;严谨的;精确的 very exact and clearly defined 例句: It wasn't illegal in the strict sense (of the word) . 严格说来,这不算违法。

5,be strict with be strict about和be strict in分别怎么用

be strict with 对某人很严厉,严格

be strict about 对某事很严格

be strict in 对做的某事很严格(强调是在做的)

be strict in , in 后加事物 如:We should be strict in (doing) our work. 对工作我们应该严格要求。 而be strict with, with 后 加人 如;His father is strict with him 他父亲对他严格要求。 My parents are very strict with me. Don't be so strict with yourself The teacher is strict with his students Our boss is very strict with us. I'm strict with myself. The manager is strict in his work. He is strict in his money. The students are strict in discipline. The goverment is strict in enviromental protection. The teacher is strict in moral education. My teacher is always strict with us. 我的老师对我们总是很严格。 We must be strict about this problem. 我们必须严肃对待这个问题。







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